Behavioral Health
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La Casa Behavioral Health (LCBH), a community-based behavioral center, located in Roswell, NM at 110 E. Mescalero opened its doors to the citizens of southeastern New Mexico on June 16, 2015. LCBH provides continuity of care to clients of former agencies as well as new clients regardless of their socioeconomic status. Most staff are both English and Spanish speaking. Payment for services ranges from self-pay, standard insurances, as well as Medicaid and Medicare through various Managed Care Organizations (MCO’s).
LCBH offers five (5) core services as part of their treatment services:
Outpatient Counseling
LCBH provides counseling services for children, adolescents, and adults for all types of presenting mental health issues or problems. Our staff providers have a diverse range of training and expertise with specialties in all areas of mental health practice. We offer individual, family, couples, and group counseling and therapy;
Comprehensive Community Support Services (CCSS)
This service helps address barriers the client is experiencing that impede their development of skills necessary for independent functioning in the community. It includes assistance with identifying and coordinating services and support systems identified in an individual’s comprehensive treatment plan; supporting an individual and family in crisis situations, and providing individual interventions to develop or enhance an individual’s ability to make informed and independent choices. Community Support Workers assist clients in gaining access to necessary rehabilitative, medical and other services to help them maintain or restore independent living;
Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR)
Located at 1010 S. Garden Street in Roswell, NM, PSR staff assists clients in the development of socialization skills, daily living skills; assists the member in procuring stable housing; helps the member to build an interpersonal support team to provide encouragement and guidance; to help the members recognize and focus on their strengths and their role in qualify self-care. Members often engage in community events as a group to develop social skills and positive interaction with others;
Crisis Intervention
During office hours LCBH accepts walk-in individuals in crisis. A professional counseling or trained paraprofessional will meet with the individuals to de-escalate the crisis and identify resources suitable for treatment either at LCBH, one of the local hospitals, community services, or inpatient treatment centers. Crisis intervention provides crisis counseling; suicide prevention; support, information, and referral. After hours, anyone who is experiencing a personal, emotional or mental health crisis can call 24 hours a day to the New Mexico Crisis and Access Line at 1 (855) NMCRISIS or 1 (855) 662-7474 and speak with a professional counselor.
Medication Management
LCBH medical providers on staff prescribe medication for a variety of mental health conditions focused on outpatient psychopharmacology. Medication review for drug efficacy and med compatibility are offered as part of both the prescribing aspect, as well as helping the client to understand their medications and their role in properly taking them as prescribed.
Substance Abuse and Prevention
La Casa Behavioral Health Services provides substance abuse and prevention services. La Casa Behavioral Health proudly serves Chaves County substance abuse and prevention.